Cyprus Children's Fund

The challenge

Cyprus Children's Fund continuously strives to provide help not only to generationally-affected refugees and enclaved children, but also children that come from families struggling with economic and medical challenges. CCF wanted a more inviting website to showcase the work they do while also making it very easy to navigate and donate.

The solution

Global Reach designed the site and provided CCF with submission forms with payments so that people can easily donate directly from the website and all donations would be tracked on the backend. Additionally, Global Reach built out their Grant and Scholarship applications using the Submission Forms module, making it so the user can apply from the site without having to download and email separately.

Cyprus Children's Fund's website on a mobile device created by Global Reach, one of the best charity web developers in Iowa and around the world.
Cyprus Children's Fund's website on multiple devices designed by Global Reach, a leader in the field of charity web development in Iowa and the world.

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